

Her heart would weep every time her poor boy left the house. After all that fun in a single day, how could he leave like that? She missed him so much, her William. She missed herself so much, but Benjamin was still flashing through her mind and every time she opened the window to let a yellow breeze in some morning, she would see him there in his wicker chair. The smell of toast would waft to her and his fingers roam over her body, she would shiver.
It was sad, because she missed him too. She there he was in his softness but then in would slip his hands on her wrists and his rhythmical grunting above her and she would remember how she at the time could not console the two images. She still couldn�t, and now he was gone.
Alike left messages saying that she loved her, but she never came. She visited one weekend and kissed her on both cheeks when the came. It was fun, they went out dancing and very nearly took two pink young boys home, they fed each other strawberry ice-cream as the sun rose, they went to the beach then to bask in the new sun and to explore the cold waters together. It was more than fun; in fact it was perfect and beautiful but so empty that it didn�t matter. Alike had begun to delicately kiss Elina�s collar bones when she took her head in her hands and devoured her lips. She tasted of raspberry lip gloss, but that was it.
After that, Elina covered herself and went to the living room to run her fingers over her books in the darkness. Alike stayed in the bed, silently sobbing and licking her tears as they rolled over her.

shi-ou-sama at 11:28 p.m.

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