
mmm. Delicious

So that�s what it like, being in a place you know you ought not to be, pretending to be a person that you aren�t and alone. Wondering why you are wasting these nice people�s time and having your heart sink.
It was like a domesticated bird set free, only to realise how it can�t fit in in the wild anymore. So much like birds too, because it was so beautiful. All of the art. All of the beautiful boys. All of the beautiful girls.
Then me.
Me about to cry, with my two portfolios, having said it would be a great �learning experience.�
Alors, c�est ca.
What was worst, what was worse than anything else. What was worse than not being pretty, worse than being alone, worse than not being talented, and worse than being an alien was that he did not criticise me.
He did not; he would not, for fear of breaking my tiny fragile ego.
Fuck him.

shi-ou-sama at 4:08 p.m.

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