

6th grade:

Fresh from private school my parents pushed me into middle school.It was imporant for me to make friends they said, to know what normal kids were like. The majority of the year I spent my time making sure that I had perfect grades, afriad that the advanced courses might be too much for me. I never got anything below an "a". I met most of my core group of friends that year. This was also the year that I found out boys were "interactive". A very important end of the year field trip for me, imporant introductions.

7th grade:

The year we met everybody's favourite science teacher who just happened to live across the street from me..Met two other essential friends. I don't remember much about this year.

8th grade:

Probably one of the most important years..I was in band all year, on the flute, and won awards.My parents decided to put me inot the IB program. I got to know some people I knew but not well. A very important end of the year feild trip...And oh yes..

I had aa boyfriend this year.

9th grade:


shi-ou-sama at 6:41 p.m.

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